Media Watch

New rocketry lab at UC Irvine gets ready for summer takeoff

Daily Pilot -
A new lab dedicated to designing, building and testing rocket prototypes 15 to 50 feet long at UC Irvine is slated for completion this summer.

This robotic exoskeleton could help prevent falls in the elderly

Science -
The words “robotic exoskeleton” probably bring to mind futuristic soldiers and sci-fi flicks like Aliens, Iron Man, or The Wrong Trousers.

3D and Virtual Tech Can Transform STEM Education -
With new technologies come new ways to learn, especially for students interested in engineering and other STEM disciplines.

California submerging: Rising seas are claiming its famed coast faster than scientists imagined

CALmatters -
A slow-moving emergency is lapping at California’s shores— climate-driven sea-level rise that experts now predict could elevate the water in coastal areas up to 10 feet in just 70 years, gobbling up beachfront and overwhelming low-lying cities.
ABC News

Before, after photos show California landscapes making a comeback from drought

ABC News -
The summer of 2014 was the most "severe" period during California's four-year drought, said Amir AghaKouchak, associate professor, civil and environmental engineering, at the University of California, Irvine.

Crystal Cove State Park Cottage Restoration

ABC7 News -
They are a piece of Southern California history and the work is now underway to complete restoration on the cottages at Crystal Cove.
North State Public Radio

Map Tracks Valley Deluge Should Either Lake Oroville Spillway Fail

North State Public Radio -
A map intended for planners and first responders plots the likely path of devastation should either of the compromised spillways at Lake Oroville fail while the reservoir is full.

Rebuilding Crystal Cove enters its final stage

Daily Pilot -
The 17 weathered cottages sit behind a fence at the base of a bluff that runs parallel to the ocean at the northern tip of Crystal Cove State Park.

Study: Nuisance flooding could be more costly than once thought

WNCT 9 -
In a new study, co-authored by Moftakhari Rostamkhani, researchers at U.C. Irvine find that the cost of repeated nuisance floods over time can be similar if not higher than the damage done by a storm or hurricane.
BBC World Service

Unravelling the mysteries of the Lut Desert

BBC World Service -
Expedition member Amir AghaKouchak, associate professor of hydrology at the University of California, Irvine was on hand to tell me more.
