EECS Seminar: Control, Optimization and Learning for Interdependent Critical Infrastructures

Director of Utah Smart Energy Laboratory
Presidential Scholar Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Research and Advancement
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Utah
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Abstract: The critical infrastructures, including electricity, water, transportation and communication, have evolved and successfully served us for decades and have significantly augmented the people’s wellbeing and economic surplus of several countries. Today, we are seeking sustainable growth in the 21st century, which is inherently dependent on resilient and sustainable operation of critical infrastructures. This seminar will present advanced optimization, control and machine learning models that enable enhancing the operational flexibility and resilience of interdependent power, water and transportation systems in the face of a changing energy resource mix and growing cyber and physical threats.
Bio: Masood Parvania is the director of Utah Smart Energy Laboratory and a Presidential Scholar Associate Professor and associate chair for research and advancement at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah. His research interests include the operation, economics and resilience of power and energy systems, and modeling and operation of interdependent critical infrastructures. Parvania serves as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy and IEEE Power Engineering Letters. He is chair of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Utah Chapter, IEEE PES Bulk Power Systems Operation Subcommittee, and IEEE PES Risk, Reliability and Probability Applications Subcommittee.