EECS Seminar (ZOOM): Nonlocal Metasurfaces

School of Engineering
Stanford University
Zoom Link:
Abstract: In a nonlocal metasurface, one controls the transmission/reflection of light as a function of wavevectors. We show that such nonlocal metasurface provides important opportunities for imagine processing and for generating novel states of light.
Bio: Shanhui Fan is the Joseph and Hon Mai Goodman Professor in the School of Engineering, a professor of electrical engineering, applied physics (by courtesy), and a senior fellow of the Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford University. He received his doctorate in 1997 in theoretical condensed matter physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His research interests are in fundamental studies of solid state and photonic structures and devices, especially photonic crystals, plasmonics and metamaterials, and applications of these structures in energy and information technology applications. He has published over 600 refereed journal articles, given over 380 plenary/keynote/invited talks, and holds over 70 U.S. patents. He has co-founded two companies aiming to commercialize high-speed engineering computations and radiative cooling technology respectively. Fan received a National Science Foundation Career Award (2002), a David and Lucile Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering (2003), the U.S. National Academy of Sciences W.O. Baker Award for Initiatives in Research (2007), the Adolph Lomb Medal from the Optical Society of America (2007), a Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Defense (2017), a Simons Investigator in Physics (2021) and the R.W. Wood Prize from Optica (2022). He is a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher in physics since 2015, and a fellow of the IEEE, American Physical Society, Optical Society of America and SPIE.