MAE Seminar (Zoom): Advancing Multimodal Neuromechanics and Understanding of Brain Dynamics of Human Locomotion

Assistant Professor
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
University of Central Florida
Zoom Link:
Abstract: Developing a comprehensive understanding of the brain processes that govern human locomotion and locomotor adaptation has remained elusive due to technical challenges of measuring brain signals during dynamic tasks, which has limited multimodal approaches. Huang will present her research-advancing methods using high-density electroencephalography (EEG) to study brain dynamics and multimodal neuromechanics during human locomotion and locomotor adaptation. Specifically, she will talk about 1) developing and evaluating thin, flexible sensors and dual-sided EEG electrodes, 2) electrocortical signatures during locomotor adaptation in young and older adults and 3) using treadmill perturbations to understand balance control and electrocortical dynamics during gait.
Bio: Helen J. Huang is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Program at the University of Central Florida (UCF). She is also a member of the bionic materials, implants and interfaces cluster, and the disability, aging and technology cluster. She directs the UCF Biomechanics, Rehabilitation, and Interdisciplinary Neuroscience (BRaIN) Lab, where her team studies the brain dynamics and neuromechanics of human locomotion and locomotor adaptation. Her team also explores and develops new methods to expand electroencephalography capabilities to study human movement. Huang’s research is funded by an NIH R01 and NSF CAREER Award. Her long-term goal is to develop gait and lower limb rehabilitation approaches based on brain dynamics and multimodal neuromechanics.