MAE Seminar: Nanoscale Thermal Metrology Using SEM, TEM and Confocal Microscopy

UC Berkeley
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Abstract: I will review several collaborative efforts to develop new non-contact methods for temperature measurements at the nanometer scale, based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM: secondary electron yield as a thermometer), transmission electron microscopy (TEM: thermometry using the Debye-Waller effect), and confocal optical microscopy (luminescence thermometry of individual nanoparticles). I also will present some measurements that exploit the e-beam as a scannable point heater in both SEM and TEM, including its potential for thermal conductivity measurements of suspended nanostructures.
Bio: Chris Dames is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley, where his research focuses on fundamental studies of heat transfer at the nanoscale and other challenging regimes, using experimental and theoretical methods. He earned his doctorate from MIT in 2006 and was previously an assistant professor at UC Riverside before moving to Berkeley. He recently finished 3.5 years serving as vice chair of Instruction and then vice chair of Graduate Studies in his department at UC Berkeley. Dames has received an NSF CAREER Award, DARPA Young Faculty Award, and a Viskanta Fellowship and heat transfer lectureship at Purdue University.