CEE Seminar: State of Practice Techniques for Drilled Shaft Foundations

Managing Partner
Champion Equipment Sales, LLC.
Abstract: Deep foundations are integral elements of modern infrastructure systems and range from small diameter (<12 inch) micropiles to large diameter drilled shafts ( > 24 inch). This presentation will provide an overview of state of practice techniques for design, construction and quality assurance of drilled shaft foundations and provide applications for various other foundation technologies. Within the application of retention systems, a discussion on various systems, such as diaphragm walls, secant pile walls, soil nail walls and soil mix walls will be provided. Two case studies from recent work in the immediate Southern Caliofornia area will be presented.
Bio: Vincent Jue graduated from Harvey Mudd College with a bachelor's degree in engineering. He has more than 25 years of experience in the underground engineering industry and currently is the principal at Champion Equipment Company, Champion Sales, Paramount Metal & Supply Company, and vice president of Soilmec North America. His specialties include foundation drilling, mechanical engineering and metal fabrication and design. Jue is a member of ASCE, Deep Foundations Institute, ADSC, Association of Equipment Manufacturers, American Welding Society, Society of Manufacturing Engineers and Society for Advanced Materials & Processing. He is the original inventor on three U.S. and foreign patents.