Leveraging UC Irvine to Launch Your Start Up

The UCI Institute of Innovation

Presented by the UCI Engineering Alumni Society

A recent Deloitte study revealed that over 70 percent of millennials want to start their own business and prefer to work independently rather than joining a traditional business environment. At the same time a vast array of resources are lowering the cost of starting companies: Cloud and social media technologies are cutting the expense of technology infrastructure and marketing. Funding for early-stage startups is more available than ever. Startup incubators and accelerators are popping up everywhere. Amid all this activity two things are becoming clear: Entrepreneurship is becoming the new normal and UC Irvine is here it help!

The UCI Engineering Alumni Society is teaming up with The Institute of Innovation (The COVE) to host - “Leveraging UC Irvine to Launch Your Start Up” – an exciting panel discussion and networking opportunity to learn how you too can start your own company right out of school! Discussion topics will include recruitment of talent, technology licensing, growing a customer base, and attracting investment.

Don’t miss this opportunity to network with fellow alumni, faculty, and friends of the university!

6:00 p.m. - 6:25 p.m.: Welcome Reception
6:30 p.m.: Welcome and Introductions
6:40 p.m. - 7:25 p.m.: Panel
7:25 p.m.: Closing
7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.: Post-Panel Reception
The UCI Institute of Innovation
5141 California Avenue
Irvine, CA 92617

Please RSVP to oc-events@ucieas.com

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