ChEMS Seminar: Nuclear Weapon Test Monitoring by Beta-Gamma Coincidence Detection of Atmospheric Xenon Radioisotopes

Abstract: Measuring elevated concentrations of four xenon radioisotopes (133mXe, 131mXe, 133Xe and 135Xe) in the atmosphere will enable the International Monitoring System (IMS) to monitor nuclear weapon testing around the world. Set by the IMS, radioxenon detectors employed at the monitoring stations should be able to detect atmospheric xenon radioisotopes with concentrations less than 1mBq/m3. One proven efficient method that meets this sensitivity requirement is the detection of xenon radioisotopes via beta-gamma coincidence technique. In this presentation, after a brief review on the beta-gamma coincidence technique, development of new compact radioxenon detection systems at Oregon State University will be discussed.
Biography: Abi Farsoni is an associate professor in the School of Nuclear Science and Engineering at Oregon State University. Farsoni's primary research areas are nuclear detection for homeland security, remote nuclear weapon test monitoring, nuclear nonproliferation, radiological environmental measurements, and real-time digital data acquisition and processing. He has been in the field of radiation detection since 1992, conducting research in various areas from designing explosive-detection systems through neutron activation analysis to developing compact sensors for monitoring nuclear weapon tests around the globe. Farsoni teaches courses on advanced radiation detection, radiation shielding, radiation dosimetry and digital radiation spectroscopy.