[CANCELED] CEE Seminar: Smart Health Monitoring and Damage Identification

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Washington State University
Abstract: Structural health monitoring is an important tool for maintaining the safety and integrity of structures, in such areas as aerospace, automotive, machinery and civil engineering. A reliable nondestructive damage identification and assessment is essential for the development of such monitoring systems, since undetected or untreated damage may grow and lead to structural failure. This study focuses on developing the relationship between the dynamic and wave response of structures and the damage as a basis of the damage identification method. Smart materials, such as piezoelectric materials and high-speed fiber optic sensors, in the form of sensor/actuator arrays, are employed in developing health monitoring strategies. In this presentation, recent developments in both dynamics- and wave-propagation-based damage identification conducted by the author’s group are presented. In particular, (1) two recently developed dynamics-based algorithms (2-D continuous wavelet transform and strain energy damage severity correction factor) and (2) improved Lamb wave propagation-based techniques (damping boundary, hybrid wave, wavelet transform method, and sensor array) for effective damage identification of plate-type structures are discussed, and their implementation to numerical and experimental data is emphasized. It shows that combining with smart sensors and actuators, these developed and improved damage identification techniques are effective in indicating the location and area of damage, and they have the potential to approximate the relative damage severity in plate-type composite structures.
Biography: Pizhong Qiao, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Washington State University (WSU) and chair professor in engineering mechanics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, received his Ph.D. in civil engineering from West Virginia University (WVU) in 1997. Before joining WSU, Qiao was assistant/associate professor of civil engineering at the University of Akron, Ohio, from 1999 to 2006 and research assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at WVU from 1997 to 1999. He was named a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (April 2007) in recognition of “his significant contributions to civil engineering research, application, and teaching that have advanced the state-of-the-art in theory and practice in the composites area.” He is one of highly cited scientists (about top 1%) in the field of engineering, according to Essential Science Indicators (ESI). Qiao has been extensively working in development, research and application of advanced and high-performance materials (smart materials, polymer composites, and sustainable concrete) in civil and aerospace engineering. His research interest includes analytical and applied mechanics, smart and composite materials, structural health monitoring, and sustainable concrete. He is the recipient of the Anjan Bose Outstanding Researcher Award (2012), the highest research award in the College of Engineering and Architecture at WSU. He is the associate editor for the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, and Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal.