Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Modeling
Seminar Annoucement
“Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Modeling”
Mr. Daniel A. Nolasco
President, Nolasco & Associates
The seminar will provide an introduction on wastewater modeling. It will focus on objectives, software used, data needs. A live demo on a commercial software will be given. Practical cases and results will be shown.
Daniel Nolasco is a consulting engineer with over 25 years of experience in modeling of wastewater treatment plants. He's co-author of a settling model, used by most simulation software and listed by The International Water Association as one of the 10 groundbreaking papers for the last 40 years in Water Research. He has co-authored several books. He is director of the International water Association and cofounder and president of Nolasco & Associates, a water, sanitation and environmental consulting group based in Ontario, Canada and Buenos Aires, Argentina.