Startup from Scratch
Winter Quarter 2013 Entrepreneurship Seminar Series
Featuring Fred Tzeng, Ph.D.
Co-founder and CTO
ZeroWatt Technologies, Inc.
Free and open to the public
Bio: Fred Tzeng is the Co-founder and CTO of ZeroWatt Technologies, a startup that spun out of UC Irvine. He is also a consultant for Nurotron Biotechnology, and has also held positions at GE Global Research and at Qualcomm. He was the principal investigator of an NSF SBIR Award, has 4 issued/filed patents, more than 10 technical publications, and is the recipient of several industry and academic awards. Dr. Tzeng received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Irvine.
The Entrepreneurship Seminar Series provides a real-world introduction to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship. Through a series of presentations by prestigious entrepreneurs and industry leaders, participants will explore the various organizational, strategic and financial challenges facing successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs. Topics include start-up strategies, business idea evaluation, business plan writing, and introduction to venture capital.
For a complete listing of Entrepreneurship Seminar Series guest speakers, please visit