Photocurrent And Noise Analysis as Alternative Approaches to Understanding OFET Behavior
ChEMS Seminar
Speaker: Dr. John Kymissis
Electrical Engineering department
Columbia University
The characterization of organic field effect transistors is
complicated by the influence of the contacts on channel behavior and
the trap limited conduction mechanism which governs device
In this presentation, several strategies for probing OFETs will be
discussed. In particular, the use of spectrally resolved photocurrent
spectroscopy will be demonstrated as a strategy for the analysis of
trap states in the device, spatially resolved photocurrent will be
presented as an approach for measuring internal device potential, and
noise spectroscopy will be presented as an approach to evaluating the
effect of trap states on channel conduction. These probes provide
additional pathways for analyzing OFET device and material behavior
with different complicating parasitics than incumbent characterization
The applications of OFETs, including their utility in instrumenting
electroactive polymers, will also be discussed.
Ioannis (John) graduated with his SB, M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from
MIT. His M.Eng. thesis was performed as a co-op at the IBM TJ Watson
Research Lab on organic thin film transistors, and his Ph.D. was in
the Microsystems Technology Lab at MIT working on field emission
displays. After graduation he worked as a post-doc in MIT's
Laboratory for Organic Optics and Electronics working on a variety of
organic electronic devices and as a consulting engineer for QDVision,
which is developing and commercializing a novel light emitting
architecture based on quantum dots. In 2006, John joined the
Electrical Engineering department at Columbia University and leads the
Columbia Laboratory for Unconventional Electronics (CLUE) which
focuses on the development and applications of thin film electronic