California Hydrogen Business Council General Meeting
Location: Engineering Lecture Hall
Registration: Early registration is $85 (CHBC members) or $135 (non-members). Late registration (after 09/05/06) is $115 (CHBC members) or $165 (non-members). Registration fees cover continental breakfast, lunch, and snacks, and a drawing for a digital camera, $50 Best Buy gift certificates or free registration to an upcoming CHBC meeting.
Email, or register online at
About the Event:
Faculty and students who are interested in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are invited to attend a presentation by S. David Freeman, president of the Los Angeles Harbor Commission. The meeting will also include a debate on the impact of the Clean Alternative Energy Initiative, presentations by
A special presentation will be given by invited keynote speaker, Edwin Black, who is an award-winning investigative author. He will discuss his newest work: "Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Government Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives."