Specialist - Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Will remain open until filled


The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Irvine anticipates openings for appointments in the Specialist Series. Please visit the website below for information on some of the research areas and faculty members who may sponsor the appointments:

Specialists are expected to use their professional expertise to make scientific and scholarly contributions to the research enterprise of the University and to achieve recognition in the professional and scientific community. The Specialists series positions are under the sponsorship of the faculty members of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and span all research areas of the department, including but not limited to the following: Circuit and Devices (including applications to Health), Electrical Engineering Systems (including Communications, Information Theory, Machine Learning), and Computer Engineering (including Embedded Systems, Security, Networking, Computer Architecture).

Positions may be full or part-time and are dependent on extramural funding and research contracts of individual Principal Investigators. Initial appointments are typically for one year and renewal is based on availability of support and need.
Qualified candidates should send curriculum vitae along with the names and addresses of three references to the following on-line recruitment URL to submit the material requested:


Basic qualifications (required at time of application)

B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science or related field.


Document requirements

  • Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

  • Cover Letter (Optional)

  • Statement of Research (Optional)

  • Misc / Additional (Optional)

  • Sexual Misconduct, Harassment and Discrimination Declaration Form - All applicants of academic positions at the University of California, Irvine must download, complete, sign, and upload the following form with their application: Sexual Misconduct, Harassment and Discrimination Declaration Form

Reference requirements

  • Three required (contact information only)

Apply link: https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF08886