MAE Seminar: New Understanding of the Heat Transfer Mechanisms during Pool and Flow Boiling and its Application in Boiling Enhancement: An Innovation-driven Approach

James E. Gleason Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Rochester Institute of Technology
Abstract: Ever since boiling received researchers' attention in the 1930s, the heat transfer mechanisms were mainly classified as transient conduction, microconvection and microlayer evaporation (including contact line heat transfer) in pool boiling. Recent developments have identified several new mechanisms, which have been exploited to provide a new level of enhancement in both heattransfer coefficient and critical heat flux. The talk will take you through this paradigm-changing approach based on innovation and introduce some of the recent work being conducted in the Thermal Analysis, Microfluidics, and Fuel Cell Lab at RIT.
Bio: Satish G. Kandlikar is the Gleason Professor of mechanical engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology, where he has worked since 1980. He received his Ph.D. degree from IIT Bombay in 1975. He has worked extensively in the area of flow boiling, pool boiling, CHF phenomena at microscale, single-phase flow in microchannels, electronics cooling and water management in PEM fuel cells. Kandlikar has published over 400 journal and conference papers. He is the recipient of the 2012 ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award. His recent innovation-driven work on pool and flow boiling has provided a new mechanistic understanding of the boiling phenomena at microscale and produced enhancement structures dissipating exceptionally high heat fluxes along with very high heat-transfer coefficients.