Nanostructured Materials

Faculty: Mohammed, Mohraz, Earthman, Ragan, Yee

Materials Science and Engineering encompasses a spectrum of materials: ceramics, polymers, metals, semiconductors, and composite materials. It is a study of the inter- relationship among processing, property, and performance of materials. Through innovative research and education, we aim to create novel material systems, elucidate their fundamental properties, and explore their applications in sensors, information technology, and biotechnology.

Nanostructured Materials:

This thrust area promotes interdisciplinary research to advance knowledge and novel technologies in the fast-moving field of nanoscale science and technology. Understanding the fundamental properties of these nanostructured materials paves the way to develop the building blocks for future electronic, photonic, and spintronic devices. The current research in this area focus on the following projects:

  1. Synthesis nanostructured materials using various techniques, such as atomic- level manipulation, cryomilling, electrodeposition, chemical vapor deposition, and self- assembly;
  2. Investigate the mechanical properties of bulk nanocrystalline materials;
  3. Investigate the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of nanotubes, nanowires, and nanocrystals.
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