Regina Ragan
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, Applied Physics, 2002
M.S., California Institute of Technology, Applied Physics, 1998
B.S., University of California,Los Angeles, Material Science and Engineering, 1996
Research activities in the Ragan group lie on the boundary of fundamental and applied research of nanomaterials. A fundamental understanding of self-assembly is pursued as this is as a disruptive technology solution manufacturing nanosystems in device architectures. Systems investigated can impact technology from optical communication/sensing to energy systems. The Ragan group studies systems from the mesoscale to the atomic level. Scanning probe microscopy and first principles calculations are important tools to understand thermodynamic driving forces in self-assembly and structure-function relationships. Understanding of how to both control of atomic and molecular structures and how this control affects physical properties is critical to optimize the performance of nanoscale devices.