Ayman Mosallam
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
Ph.D., Catholic University of America, Structural Engineering, 1990
M.S., Catholic University of America, Civil Engineering, 1985
B.S., Cairo University, Structural Engineering, 1978
Mosallam's research covers topics related to structural and earthquake engineering with a specialization in advanced composites and hybrid systems for infrastructure applications. In addition, he has been involved in several major research projects dealing with the development and verification of innovative seismic repair and rehabilitation systems for reinforced concrete, masonry, wood and steel structures. Based on the research works conducted by Mosallam and other researchers at UCI, two demonstration projects introducing the use of innovative composite systems were completed including the Sauvie Island Steel Bridge (Portland, Oregon) for the feather-weight sandwich composite strengthening technology and the Schuyler Heim Bridge (Long Beach, California) for the hybrid composite decking.
Currently, Mosallam is involved in several funded research projects including the development of a Diagnostic/Prognostic System (DPS) for innovative repair and health monitoring of military composite bridges. The DPS system is being developed jointly by different organizations including Alpha Star Corps and the Boeing Company for the US Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM). The DPS protocol incorporates the latest technologies of optical fibers and remote sensing technologies.
Funded by Ohio DOT through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) TEA-21 Program and with collaboration with University of Akron, a major research project is underway aiming at developing an innovative collisions protection system for highway bridges using remotely-monitored multilayered honeycomb system.
Mosallam is the of the authors of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Structural Design Manual for Composite Joints and the co-author of the ASCE Prestandard Documents for Pultruded Composites. He also serves on the Editorial Board of the Composites: Part B Journal and is the guest editor of its special issues on infrastructure applications.