UC Irvine is excited to host the 15th Annual UC Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium June 18-20, 2014, at the UCI Student Center. You are invited to attend this well-established conference – a forum for faculty, researchers and students from the 10 UC campuses to network, collaborate and present the latest bioengineering research.
This year’s symposium features exciting speakers from both industry and academia as well as a Shark Tank innovation competition for students and junior faculty (**cash prizes and recognition by industry leaders for winner!). The symposium will also feature invited faculty speakers and chairs from all 10 campuses, student design and video competitions, career workshops and events with industry representatives and student poster and oral presentations. The symposium banquet this year will be held at the historic Harborside Restaurant on Balboa Island, Newport Beach. Please see our location tab on this website for pictures and more information!
Typical topics covered will include:
• Cell and Tissue Biology (biomechanics, cell and tissue engineering, micro/nano devices)
• Therapeutics (biomaterials, therapies and drug delivery, cardiovascular engineering)
• Detection (biophotonics, medical imaging, diagnostics and biosensors)
• Systems/Synthetic Biology (molecular engineering and synthetic biology, system biology)
Invited speakers for standard session tracks include:
- Arthur Lander, Professor and Director of CCSB, UCI
- Stanley Qi, Systems Biology Fellow, UCSF
- Daniel Kamei, Associate Professor, UCLA
- Arash Kheradvar, Associate Professor, UCI
- Jan Nolta, Professor and Director of Stem Cell Program, UCD
- Jeff Hasty, Professor, UCSD
- Andrew McCulloch , Professor, UCSD
- Seung-Wuk Lee, Associate Professor, UCB
Ben Wu, Professor, UCLA
- Julia Lyubovitsky, Assistant Professor, UCR
- Arion Xenofon Chatziioannou, Professor, UCLA
- Kara McClosky, Associate Professor, UC Merced
- Gert Cauwenberghs, Professor, UCSD
The 15th Annual UC System-wide Bioengineering Symposium is committed to ensuring an inclusive environment and diverse body of students, academic researchers and faculty participating in the event. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional commitment to excellence through diversity.
Plenary Speakers
Joe Kiani
Founder, Chairman, and CEO
Masimo Corporation
Nimmi Ramanujam, Ph.D.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University
Stanton J. Rowe
Corporate Vice President
Advanced Technology and Chief Scientific Officer
Edwards Lifesciences Corporation
Bruce Tromberg, Ph.D.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Surgery
Director of the Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic
UC Irvine
Gala Dinner at historic Harborside Restaurant, Newport Beach